
Managing Business Responsibly

What Is Business Responsibility?

Managing business responsibility means designing a strategic planning which helps business in achieving goals and objectives (Trevino and Nelson, 2010). In this proper strategy has to be developed and organize proper resources to achieve results. Management has to perform decision making task in an organization. The responsibility of business has to be managed effectively so that all targets are achieved. Business has to follow its ethics and responsibility to achieve overall strategic planning. In this report personality clash has been analysed between different individuals. Defining of breaching experiment and what might be achieved through it. Business has to face organizational change and it should be able to manage it effectively.

Personality clash

Personality clash defines that clash of attitude and understanding of differences that occur between different personality and individuals. This clash arises when people do not posses same nature or personality (Larsen and Wiggen, 2004). Both the individuals are different from their thinking perspective and do not want to change for each other. Egoistic feeling and superior thinking makes this personality clash more influential. Dominant nature of persons which forces other to do work according to their need and create personality clash between individuals. The incident can be between a parent and a child when both individuals obtain different personalities. In that case it arises a clash and which leads to differences among them. Parents especially father think that he is the most superior in family and everyone other should obey him. His clashes take place in the family with different personality and not dominant person.

The personality clash between a father and son occurs due to different nature and their thinking of being superior from each other or of poor communication between them. There may be several other reasons of being different in attitude perception and way of living arise clashes between any relationships (Burr, 2003). In this case father should try to understand feeling of child and help in solving any issues related to behaviour or anything. Both the two individuals might be different in thinking according to difference in age groups. Father wants discipline to be maintained and children should not disobey them which begin clashes and maintains a gap between both of them. The possibility of control both the individuals to maintain the relation and both should equally understand each other which will help in developing their relation and make it strong. This type of relations is very delicate and sensitive which needs a strong bond between individuals who understands each other feeling and respect them.

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Personality clash refers to variation of personalities according to differentiation in age and understanding level. As in this quoted example of parent and child they both possess different mind sets and attitude level and think superior from each other. This will find a clash between both in personality (Erbschloe, 2003). It can be happen in any relation because they both are not ready to understand each other and which will create difference in their personalities. It is necessary to evaluate that what is happening between both of them. It should be known that both individuals possess different personalities and to maintain the relationship they should take corrective measures to control the possible factors. It will help them maintain a strong bond and possible elements to alter their nature for the betterment of their relation in future.

Breaching experiment

Breaching experiment means it is a type of experiment which examines the reaction of people to violate those rules and regulation and challenge them. It involves the unexpected behaviour or violation of social conditions (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). It explains that if any idea of social norms or conditions is implied to see how people react on violation of that rule. Basically these idea or experiment are breached when individual came to know that there is no meaningful interaction of that rule or norms in reality. It says that breaching of rules and regulations which don’t have any justifiable meaning in social norms and rules. Individual might feel to challenge that situation which is taken for granted and which thinks that individual is not suitable or appropriately fit to it.

In a relationship of friends there exist some situations where they both challenge each other that they take things for granted and adopt such careless behaviour (Dolan and Raich, 2009). It is possible when two friends have an argument on prediction of questions that might come in exams and other friend believes that it is your careless behaviour or taken for granted assumptions which don’t work always. And you challenge to the friend that this will not come in exams. Through this way other friend is running from studies and taking study as a taken for granted thing which is wrong. It sometime arises between colleagues also because they both think that whatever work the other is doing it is done by taken for granted and not seriously involved in it (Jonker and Witte, 2006). They should think that working in same organization they should not take things for granted. Individual should always remain ready to challenge others for his taken for granted attitude and he should breach that work accordingly. During organizational change using conversational tool employees experience that change in jobs effect their working culture. Change in attitude and perception of people results in breaching experiments.

Breaching experiments can be observed in various relations like friends, room-mates. It means that one people says to you that you take things for granted. In order to this instance you defend it by saying that it can be proved that or challenge to the situations that things are not taken for granted by my side (Larsen and Wiggen, 2004). For example, there can be a challenge between two colleagues that whatever work given to you is not competed on time. The other colleague makes a challenge that this is not true it can be completed on time and by doing that he can violate the breaching experiment. Breaching experiment refers to violation of some particular rules and regulations and which can be challenged by others. It can be challenged on the ground of taking things for granted which will make person to work upon that and try to breach that experiment.

Lewin’s force field analysis

This analysis is very useful to bring or introduce a new change in organization. It is an effective manner to implement the change in organization. This technique is very useful in making the correct decision about implementing the change (Mcshane., 2006). To understand this analysis more effectively the example of change in organization need to be stated. For example if any company is introducing any change in the structure of the organization to make employees feel that the new organization structure is less complex and will benefit the employees. In accordance with the change it is possible that the company has some good reasons to implement this change by using lewin’s force field analysis. Now after making a decision to implement the change the company has to make an analysis that what all factors will be in favour of change and what factors will be against (Lewin, 1973).

In this case analysis of the impact of implementation of change in the structure of organization. For instance, change in structure of business employees will be able to get less complex structure so that they will be able to perform task independently. The new structure should be able to motivate the people to work together and achieve results effectively. Because of all this reasons organization is effectively looking forward to apply their decisions to get effectiveness (Pedersen and Neergaard, 2009). Lewin’s force field analysis helps the factors to overcome all the problems that might occur due to implementing the change. As the factors have been identified by the company it can prepare strategies to promote the change in organization and know the results. Field force analysis can help in analysing the weak points of the company and try to overcome that so that the company successfully implement the strategy. This analysis helps companies to make decisions to overcome the factors and make tactics to achieve them.

Lewins force field analysis helps the organisation in introducing something new in business which helps in analysing of organisational change (Lewin, 1947). Force field analysis can be any change in the organisation which results in developing or adopting new ways which will result in change in business. This change done should be effectual so that it helps in realising goals and objectives. Once the change is implemented by business it can help them in adopting new tactics to implement it.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility refers to take responsibility of society and environment from companies view point. In this organization should able to differentiate between what is wrong and what is right from ethical point of business and try to choose right and lawful practices of company (Marcone, 2003). CSR in an organization is very important because it plays an important role in business to make ethical decisions to help company achieving goals and targets. It is a process with the objective of encouraging employees, societies, consumers through protecting environment. Every company should adopt corporate social responsibility and should try to follow it to help increase the profits of company and raising quality standards. This can help businesses growing in mind of public and becoming popular.

But sometimes businesses don’t posses corporate social responsibility but only show it to others that it has CSR which helps in earning profits and raising standards of company. It helps increasing marketing and personal relations of organization (Pohl and Tolhurst, 2011). According to this situation I agree to it that Coca cola which is such a big organization sometimes uses corporate social responsibility as a marketing tool to increase in sales through marketing of products more and more and making good public relations. Coca cola shows that it works according to its corporate social responsibility by not harming people’s body. They maintain proper norms and follow that to work effectively and achieve success. But often such businesses just try to show to others that they follow CSR in their business to help them in growing their business and earn profits.

Coca cola uses various ways through which it shows that its product and service which it is offering to consumers is suitable to them and not affect their health in any situation. They use such promotional tools and marketing strategies to make their product attract most consumers. Business uses such a eye catchy languages which influences people to buy the product and attracting advertisements on popular channels of media which helps in increasing customer base. They endorse popular actors or sportsperson which is supporting that product and people blindly follow it.

Corporate social responsibility says that every organisation should be using this technique to promote their products in the market to get success (Amato’D Henderson and Florence, 2009).They should fulfil their responsibilities in terms of making their organisation to be socially responsible and they should try to promote their products on ground of that. But often some companies lacks in adopting corporate social responsibility in their work culture which leads to less visibility of their products in market. In my opinion I agree to the statement that companies sometimes shows that they are following their CSR role but in actual they are using it for promoting their products to customers and making just profits.

Managing business responsibility

Managing the business responsibility of an organization is very important task because it helps the business to prove that it is a responsible business in performing it functions (Rake and Grayson, 2009). For instance taking Coke as organization it is necessary to know that the business is responsible in performing its operations. Consumers should know the situation that the business should be responsible towards achieving success and improving results. It should give its working and show its balance sheet to its stakeholders to judge its performance. Company should follow all its codes and conducts to maintain its business and work effectively. Coke business ethics is to follow proper business policies and roles that it has follow that business should run successfully. It means that moral rules and principles which guides business to work accordingly. It helps businesses helps in increasing its performance through working ethical and improves people attitude towards its product.

Corporate governance of Coke is good which helps in promoting long term interests of shareholders to have interest in company and improves trust of public in business. It means that the company is maintaining all the standards, rules, regulations and policies to see that the company is managed and properly controlled (Erbschloe, M., 2003). Coke should follow corporate governance effectively to manage its responsibility of improving standards. Corporate social responsibility of business means that Coke performs its corporate social responsibility and helps improves its effect on environment and society. It should help in improving it responsibility towards environment which helps business to become responsible towards society. Business should be able to justify itself on grounds of CSR to maintain a standard of quality and maintaining environment safety is responsibility of business.

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The business should be managed and controlled responsibly so that it can help in achieving overall goals and objectives (Buckingham, 2012). The organisation should be well aware about their business to know they are following their responsibility towards their business or not. Business ethics should be present in the organisation to run the business ethically and not harming the responsibility of business. CSR should be adopted by each and every organisation to make it a successful and responsible business. Corporate governance helps the company in following all rules and regulations according to set standards and to achieve that by obtaining it. On the contrary if the business is not following all such things in to their business it will consider it as not responsible business. It will be crucial for firms to be responsible towards their business which will help them in achieving their goals. They should not take their business to be granted because it is wide known beverage company. It should be responsible towards it task to be performed. They have to give better quality products to their customers to grab the more market and it should be well known to them to run their organisation successfully.


Managing the business responsible means that organisation should be able to manage the business accordingly to achieve the targets and objectives. They should be suitable enough to efficiently manage the task with proper corporate social responsibility. Breaching experiment has been analysed in relation of friends on the ground of taken for granted things. CSR is discussed according to a marketing tool used by business to promote its products in market. Personality clash between two individuals on taking things for granted and what is the possibility of control is analysed. To manage the business responsibly in order with business ethics, corporate governance and CSR it has been found that either it is a responsible business or not.


  • Erbschloe, M., 2003. Socially Responsible IT Management. Digital Press.
  • Jonker, J. and Witte, D. M., 2006. Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer.
  • Larsen, B. L. and Wiggen, O., 2004. Responsibility in world business: managing harmful side-effects of corporate activity. United Nations University Press.
  • Lewin, K., 1947. Frontiers in Group Dynamics II. Channels of Group Life; Social Planning and Action Research. Human Relations.
  • Pedersen, R. E. and Neergaard, P., 2009. What matters to managers?: The whats, whys, and hows of corporate social responsibility in a multinational corporation. Management Decision.
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